I remember the first time we wanted to make cookies. Let me first tell you,  mom’s homemade cookies? They are the best! I remembered the first time she was making it. I wondered how it can be done. How we can switch from the regular flour to almond flour, change from sugar to maple syrup or honey, dark cocoa nibs instead of raisins, organic butter and baking soda, etc. I looked at the ingredients, and they were different. I felt it will not taste good even before trying it. I remember saying I can’t eat this. My brothers tried it. Eugene told me it is the best cookies! Really! he reassured me I will love it.With doubt, I gave it a try! It was the best.Sometimes lines of code looks intimidating, the first time we see it, we sometimes say, I can’t! This is not for me! Giving it a try and staying consistent to seeing it solve a challenge or being more efficient is amazing. The difference between Can and Can’t is an apostrophe and the letter t. Sometime a little doubt can stop us from exploring an amazing coding adventure. Let us conquer that fear!!!
Don’t wait any longer, start learning how to code today!

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