My brothers and I  were guests on a podcast over the weekend. It was wonderful. The producer wanted to know our coding journey, how each of us got into coding, why coding and not something else, programming sometimes may look intimidating. He was correct no doubt. Especially getting into it at a young age.

My age was still in the single digits when I  started, he wanted to know why I was not intimidated, why I was not scared at the look of many lines of code, why I did not have any doubt I could do it.
We all know that this was a gift from the Lord our creator. A unique gift he placed in my hands and the amazing people he placed in my path. I cannot forget my teacher Mrs. Joyner who noticed I was reading at the age of 2.5 years and again meeting with my mom for something else and my mom told her I want to create apps, she introduces me to Philip who told me I have to learn how to code if I wanted to create apps, that is why on  the website  I am introduced and I love to code apps follow.

What will you love to do? Share it with us.

Don’t wait any longer start learning how to code today.
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