Every journey has an end. I have constantly talked about basketball. Sports is a great way of seeing and understanding teamwork. This season was great! Everyone had to learn every position. Point guard, shooting guard, small forward, Power forward and center. Which was

 very interesting. Everyone of us could play all these positions. Individually, we made the next person better. We helped one another to score, it was never about one person. We got better because we practiced the skills correctly, we have the best coach, he always said “play together”
Playing together made it more fun, and enjoyable.
In coding, constant practice is how we get better, teamwork is the key, the backend, front end, testers all work together and we see a finished product.
I got an MVP ( Most valuable player) my team mates and coach made me better.
I have a privilege of keeping the plaque but it belongs to my entire team!!!!
Let us all play together to bring kids to Tech.
Don’t wait any longer start learning how to code today!
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