I took a JavaScript class in my technology school. The first day in class, we were always asked to do a little introduction of yourself. We called it “Icebreaker”.

I remember a lady in my class she said she was working for a gaming company and wanted to improve her skill set, and I asked my mom who was sitting next to me. “What does skillset mean?” and she said, “There are skills or abilities you need to perform your job”.  “Oh,” I reply. “Can you give me an example?”. She said, “Typing faster on the computer, using powerpoint, and using some software or application to do your job better.”. One man said that he works in a gym and he is hoping, at the end of the class, that he will be able to create apps that can help him serve his customers better.

Coding is for everyone, and not only for computer scientists. Are you still thinking about it? You can do It!

You can improve your skill set by learning how to code!

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