We constantly find our self preparing for test at school, preparing our meals, preparing for a snowstorm, hurricane, we spend many years going to school to get intellectual knowledge, we acquire skills set to do our jobs better, these preparations take a period of time, it requires focus, hard work, and persistence.

All around us, there are lots of solutions to challenges that have lasted for too long, we are now talking about flying taxi, smart jackets, smart shoes, driverless cars, it so easy to stay in touch with friends and family at no cost.

Writing in codes is the future of the Digital World, it has started NOW!

A few years ago, It looked like there was time for everyone to get prepared, now there is no time left, the digital World is fast-paced.

Let me make it clearer by the time we the kids of today will become adults, everything around us will be powered by codes, let us prepare every child in your home and around you for the Digital World. The heartbeat of Bugzero.codes is to  BRING KIDS TO TECH!!!!!!!!

We are cutting across borders, boundaries, culture, ethnicity, and tribe to reach every kid.

Don’t wait any longer start learning how to code today.


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